
Tuesday 4 July 2017

Happy Summer!

Year ending 2017...

I hope you are all enjoying the summer season. In case you did not see the letter sent home, I have posted it here.

Image result for happy summer clipartDear Parents and Guardians,

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you all for your support and partnership this year. How fortunate your children are to have such loving and caring families!   I am thrilled to have been a partner in their learning and growth this year.  
They have all touched my heart and soul in very different ways. From September, I have emphasized to all the children that they matter in this world, and they matter to me. In our class, we have adopted a growth mindset, as well as fostered empathy and compassion for others. My hope is that they continue to go forth and “choose kind” as active, caring citizens in our global world.   
Please continue to ask your child questions about everything and anything they do. Give some time for your child to reflect and to be mindful and thankful of all that surrounds them. They are genuinely becoming independent, critical thinkers and problem solvers. Most importantly, be there for them, as you are now to love and guide them as they continue on their journey of learning and life.
Once again, thank you parents. It has been an honour to work with your absolutely amazing children this year. Thank you also for your positive and kind words throughout the year.  
Have a safe and happy summer. I look forward to meeting you again in the near future!

Mrs. McIntosh

Sunday 4 June 2017

Week ending June 2

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Dear parents and guardians,

It's hard to believe that we are in the last month of the 2016-2017 school year. It will be a busy month with wrapping up our learning in grade 4, as well as fun and exciting events such as the Fun Fair, Talent Show, Elements Day, and a visit from Knights in the Classroom (please see below). 

Wishing you all the best, with many sunny skies ahead!


Mrs. McIntosh

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During the holy month of Ramadan, we would like to support all students who are fasting or may require a place for prayer. Please have your child speak to Ms. Khan in the office.

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This week, students will have the opportunity to play games of Asian and South Asian origins during the lunch hour.

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Your school council is holding its first annual Fun Fair this Wednesday, June 7th from 5-8pm. Food and play tickets will be available at the fair if you were not able to pre-order them. There will be entertainment, games, and raffle tickets to win amazing themed baskets. 

Image result for knights in the classroom
On Monday, June 19th, the grade four students will be visited by Knights in the Classroom as a culminating event to our study of Early Societies. In this activity based workshop, students will be experiencing history through movement, sports, reenactments, and artifacts. We will also be treated to a martial arts demonstratation. The cost is $10.00 per student. Please visit 

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Also on Schools Cash Online, yearbooks are now available for purchase for $20.00.

Sunday 28 May 2017

Week ending May 26


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Next week, the grade 4 students will be participating in various track and field events such as ball throw, standing long jump, running long jump, triple jump, 100m, 200m, 400m and 800m runs. Representatives from grades 4-8 will attend our Area Track and Field Meet later in June. 


Monday, May 29th - School Council Meeting 6:30-8:00pm
Friday, June 2nd is a PA Day - no school
Wednesday, June 7th - Fun Fair at Beckett Farm PS
Last day of school - Thursday, June 29th is an early release day - 12:10pm dismissal

Saturday 20 May 2017

Week ending May 19th

The Markham Stouffville Hospital Run was a huge success once again. The weather cooperated, making it an enjoyable morning of fresh air, exercise, and positive actions towards a good deed for our community. 


New and Ongoing items....

The students are busy working on a Cultural Dance Research Project incorporating research skills with a final presentation using oral presentation techniques practised in class. This inquiry project is driven by their own 'passion' about a type or style of dance, be it traditional or modern.

In Math, we have begun looking at decimals and their relationship with fractions. A short quiz on fractions will occur next week. 

In the next few weeks, we will begin our last unit in Health on Human Development.

Worth repeating...

Triple P Positive Parenting Program in Mandarin and English (May to June) 親子正面教育免費課程(普通語及英語) 五月至六月
致各位家長和監護人, 如果您有興趣了解如何應付孩子的反叛行為, 幫助孩子建立家庭作業習慣及處理焦慮, 在五月至六月將有一個名為“親子正面教育” 的免費課程(普通語及英語) . 詳情請參閱附件. (Translation: Dear parents and guardians, if you are interested in knowing more about how to handle rudeness and disrespect, encourage healthy homework habits, and help your child coping with anxiety, please see the attached flyer for a free Triple P program coming up in May and June).

Image result for victoria day weekend 2017
Happy Victoria Day to everyone. Have a safe and happy long weekend!


Mrs. McIntosh

Saturday 13 May 2017

Week ending May 12

This week's post will be a long one, filled with the many events of these past two weeks! Please read to the very end to learn all about our exciting experiences. Thank you :) 

Spring Concert
On Wednesday, May 3rd, our Grade 4 students collaborated with Mrs. Dawar's class to put together an awesome performance celebrating Canada 150! It was truly amazing to watch each group take on their role and showcase Canada’s diversity in many different forms, including the spectacular artwork in the front foyer. 

Breaking the Stigma
Mental Health awareness:

Our Grade 8 students lead presentations about mental health by discussing the importance of breaking the negative stereotypes and stigma about discussing our own feelings. Students wrote words that are often used to describe mental illness on popsicle sticks. We collectively took part in breaking the popsicle sticks school wide to signify “Breaking the Stigma!”

Image result for congratulationsCongratulations to Ryan for winning the Scholastic draw this year at the Book Fair. We were fortunate to receive the same dollar amount in books for our own class library!

Eric Walters visits Beckett Farm PS

On May 9th, well known Canadian author Eric Walters visited our school. He gave an inspiring presentation about his own life journey including how he became an author (he used to be an elementary school teacher!), how he decides on what topics to write about, and about his work in Kenya with school children there.

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BFPS held our annual Science Fair in the gym on Wed., May 10th. It was wonderful to see all the experiments on display, along with the many student scientists eager to explain their hypothesis, procedure and results. These student driven projects are voluntary and entirely inquiry based. Some examples from our own class are shown below:

What is a Black Hole?
Paper Plate Speaker
Solar Power

Bubble Trouble

This week, we also had two very important presentations. The first one was by Youthspeak about bullying, and knowing that we are never alone when dealing with this issue. The young presenters told about their own experiences, which gave us inspiration to know that there is always someone to speak to, and that we should always reach out to someone if we are being bullied. The second presentation was by a student teacher about cyberbullying.

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Happy Mother's Day to all who are mothers and caregivers. Your unconditional love, care and guidance in the lives of children is recognized and appreciated. Enjoy YOUR day!

Next week...
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On Monday, May 15th, our school will be participating in this annual fundraiser to support our local hospital that serves our diverse community. We will be running or walking beginning at 9:30 in the morning. Please have your child dressed appropriately for the weather, along with comfortable running shoes and a water bottle.

Science Quiz (Gears) - Tuesday, May 16

YRDSB Survey for Parents/Guardians
Parents/guardians are invited to participate in a survey before May 19. This survey provides an important opportunity for parent/guardian voice. Results will be used to guide planning to support student achievement and well-being.
The English version of the survey is available online. Paper surveys are available in English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Farsi, Gujarati, Hebrew, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Sri Lankan Tamil, Urdu and Vietnamese. Please contact the school to request a paper copy.
We value your input and encourage you to complete the survey. The information you provide will be anonymous, considered confidential and kept in strict accordance with all relevant legislation.  Please contact the school if you have any questions.

Thank you all for your continued support!
Mrs. McIntosh

Saturday 29 April 2017

Week ending April 28

This week at school...

Image result for markham stouffville hospital run
On Monday, we had a special visit from Dr. Bear and a representative from the Markham Stouffville Hospital. Our local hospital serves our community as evident from the many students who told me they were born there! This annual fundraiser is coming up on May 15th. All donations to this cause are much appreciated. The envelopes are due back on May 5th.

We will continue our focus on Number Sense and Numeration, and begin our study into Fractions and Decimals this week.

Students are beginning to write their second Creation Story using a comic strip or graphic novel format on Pixton. This may be a longer process as they work through the various features of this computer program. Please allow your child to also work on this at home if at all possible. 

The students are excited as we prepare for our Spring Concert on May 3rd. There will be a daytime performance (dress rehearsal) at 11:30, and an evening performance at 6:30.

Here is a glimpse of some of the amazing art work your children have beenn creating at school.
Kente cloth from Ghana

As May very quickly approaches, let's hope to see the flowers this month promises to bring! 

Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs. McIntosh

Saturday 22 April 2017

Week ending April 21

This week at school...

Image result for earth day canada
Happy Earth Day! "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." - Indigenous proverb
With this in mind, students continue to learn that everyday is Earth Day. We make connections with the curriculum - be it Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, Language, The Arts, Physical and Health Education, or French - and the environment in we live in. We strive to live each day thinking about ourselves as stewards of our earth. 

Related imageA sincere thank you for the contributions that have been coming in for our "Bath Time" themed basket. This basket will be raffled off at our first annual Fun Fair on June 7th hosted by the parents of our School Council. We will continue to accept donations next week, be it monetary or with items for our basket. 

Image result for reminders
Scholastic Book Fair - next week April 24-28
Spring Concert - May 3
Eric Walters (Canadian author)  - May 9
Science Fair - May 10
Markham Stouffville Hospital Walk/Run Annual Fundraiser - May 15

My sincere wishes for a joyous weekend with your family, celebrating earth, life, and each other. 

Mrs. McIntosh